Sunday, June 26, 2016

New SJFI body elected


Bagde elected SJFI vice-president

Baruah is new president, Vinod secretary

Nagpur, June 26: Kishor Bagde of Sports Journalists’ Association of Nagpur (SJAN) has been elected as the vice-president of Sports Journalists’ Federation of India (SJFI) during an annual general body meeting of the federation held in the city on Sunday.

Ex SJFI president passing the responsiblity
to the newly elected head of SJFI
Whole 15-member body was elected unopposed. Assam’s Subodh Baruah has been elected new president for two year term. A Vinod of Kerala has been elected as new secretary. Dara Pochkanwala was the returning officer and he was assisted by Amit Shah.

Executive committee
President: Subodh Baruah (Assam),
Secretary: A Vinod (Kerala),
vice-presidents: Kishor Bagde (Nagpur), Dharmendra Pant(Delhi), Sarju Chakraborty (Tripura) and DV Garud (Bengaluru).
Joint secretary: R Kaushik (Bengaluru),
Treasurer: Prashant Keni (Mumbai),
Members: Amitabh Das Sharma (Kolkata), Abhishek Sengupta (Kolkata), Bidyut Kalita (Odisha), Vikas Pande (Indore), Sambit Mohpatra (Odisha) RNarayanan (Chennai) and SS Ramaswamy (Mumbai).

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